Want to drive safely and relaxed in your camper? Choose the best tire pressure system

Do you want to drive completely safely and relaxed in your camper?
Then install a FOBO tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) on your camper.
Save immediately on all kinds of costs and drive more environmentally friendly.

FOBO Tire 2 and Ultra TPMS: for all vehicles with a tire pressure of maximum 8.0 and 13.0 bar

FOBO TPMS is the world's best TPMS system (Tire Pressure Monitoring System) that works with Bluetooth 5.0 and can be connected directly to your smartphone or smartwatch with Android or iOS software. The FOBO Tire 2 and FOBO Ultra 2 systems, specially developed for vehicles with tires up to a tire pressure of 8.0 bar and 13.0 bar, are more reliable than standard built-in systems with an LCD screen. With the FOBO app you always and everywhere have more accurate and comprehensive information about tire pressure than mechanical systems and systems from other providers.

Plus, it alerts you faster. Comparable systems often only report a change in pressure if there is a deviation from 20%. The innovative FOBO Tire 2 and FOBO Ultra 2 tire pressure monitoring systems warn you of a change of 8% compared to the ideal tire pressure. This limit value can be further tightened according to your own wishes. With FOBO TPMS you choose optimal control, maximum savings, maximum safety and environmentally conscious driving in your camper.

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Why a tire monitor for your camper?

A FOBO tire monitor (Tire Pressure Monitoring System) offers you various advantages, including extra safety. On average, you will recoup the costs of purchasing a FOBO Tire 2 system for your camper within approximately 1 year.

Increase safety

The number of accidents involving campers grew by more than 26% in 2018, continuing the upward trend.
Cause? Due to the explosive growth of purchased and rented campers, there are more and more campers on the road. This is partly because for some time now, motorists with a standard driving license have also been allowed to drive a camper. Not everyone is equally adept at this. Driving a heavily loaded camper is significantly different from driving a fully loaded passenger car. Good tires are even more important for a camper than for a passenger car. Not only for the braking distance, but also for road holding, stability and your control in corners. Because a camper is heavier than a passenger car, a blowout on a camper causes extra danger.

Timely maintenance pays off

In preparation for the trip with your camper, maintenance is certainly not an unnecessary luxury. It is advisable to check your tires carefully before you leave. You can then ensure good tire pressure and replace the tire at home if necessary. By keeping a close eye on the tire pressure and tire temperature of your camper, you can prevent blowouts and unnecessarily long braking distances. Avoid unnecessary risks and save yourself inconvenience on the road: choose the safety of a FOBO Tire 2 tire monitor.

Choose to save time

Avoid wasting a lot of time by having to deal with the tires of your camper along the way. Or that you have to wait a long time for help from someone else. Because as a camper driver you may also find yourself in areas with fewer facilities. And then roadside assistance for larger vehicles such as a camper usually does not arrive very quickly. With a FOBO Tire 2 tire pressure system you have everything under control and you will not be faced with any nasty surprises along the way. Do you have tire problems while on the road? You will then be warned in time by a quick notification to take measures.

Save up to 4% of fuel

TNO research has shown that a vehicle uses more fuel at 20% undervoltage than 4%. Do you drive long distances with your camper during your holiday? Then a saving of 4% on your fuel costs can make a big difference. Which is great for your holiday budget, of course!

25% longer lifespan of your tires

When you drive with 20% underinflation, this also causes up to 25% more wear on the tires of your camper. In other words: your tires will last up to a quarter less.

Good for the environment

Higher fuel consumption and more wear due to underinflation of your tires also have a major impact on the environment. The mobility climate table has calculated that if all passenger cars and campers were to drive together with the correct tire pressure, the Netherlands would emit 0.6 Mton CO2 less. This would immediately achieve the objective of the Climate Agreement: 0.5 Mton less emissions! The particulate matter and coarse dust that comes from tires also has a major impact on the environment. This of course applies especially to the tires of campers because they, more than passenger cars, also drive in nature reserves.

Easy to share

Are several people using your camper? For example because you rent out your camper? That is also why the FOBO Tire 2 tire pressure system is ideal. Because via FOBO Share, the FOBO system app is very easy to share with others such as family and friends. Unique: even without the app, every connected user receives a timely warning. This lets everyone who drives know that the tires need attention.

Certainty (FOBO Ultra 2)

Specially developed for the largest vehicle types and combinations, FOBO Ultra 2 is the system with the most powerful signal strength. This means you always have full insight, regardless of the size of your camper. FOBO Ultra 2 is also easy to expand with, for example, a trailer.

6 smart tire pressure warning levels

Home (new) 6

Free FOBO app: 24/7 control everywhere

  • 24/7 insight and control over the tire pressure and temperature of all your connected vehicles. Before, during and after your ride.
  • Unique: also works without an internet connection.
  • Download and view historical data.
  • 6 warning levels: 3 for overvoltage and 3 for undervoltage.

App is suitable for iPhones from iOS 9.3 APPSTORE and Android 5.0 and higher  PLAYSTORE


Total package FOBO Tire 2 TPMS for your camper

Install the FOBO app, replace your current valve caps with the FOBO valve sensors and get started right away. The FOBO Tire 2 complete package for your camper consists of:
– 4 wireless tire sensors.
– 1 wireless In-Car voltage meter.
– Dutch user manual.
- To belong.

From: 171.49

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Total package FOBO Ultra 2 TPMS for your camper

Install the FOBO Ultra 2 app, replace your current valve caps with the FOBO valve sensors and get started right away. The FOBO Ultra 2 total package for your camper consists of:
– 4 wireless tire sensors.
– 1 Extra powerful In-Car voltage meter with USB power cable.
- To belong.

From: 299.99

Benefits of FOBO Ultra 2

  • Has the most powerful signal strength and antenna.
  • Can be expanded to 3 trailers and 120 tires.
  • The In-Car of FOBO Ultra 2 provides more direct and greater insight.
  • Can be used for all camper types and combinations, regardless of size.
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I have the caps on the camper and it works great, no more hassle measuring wheel pressure at a pump station.-Eric
Fast and correct handling. Great product- Kees
Great product! You will receive a message via the app if the tire pressure is too low and you can take action. No more wasting energy due to weak tires. Recommended!-Astrid

Easy to install

Installed within 5 minutes. Download the app, replace your current valve caps with the FOBO valve sensors, follow the manual and use your own FOBO TPMS.


Anti theft

The special anti-theft nuts for our valve sensors prevent theft. The valve sensors are also worthless to others. Because they are linked to your personal account.


Combine with your navigation app

With the innovative Android overlay function you can see your tire pressure simultaneously with the information from a navigation app such as Google Maps.